IFAPP International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine


To advance Pharmaceutical Medicine Discipline in the 21st century.

Mission of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine (IFAPP) is to promote Pharmaceutical Medicine by enhancing the knowledge, expertise and skills of pharmaceutical physicians and other professionals involved in all scientific disciplines with regard to the discovery, development, research and use of medicines worldwide, thus leading to the availability and appropriate use of safe and effective medicines for the benefit of patients and the society.

IFAPP works to be recognized as a Leading Authority for Scientific and Educational programmes which advance Pharmaceutical Medicine.

How does IFAPP plan to accomplish its Mission?

IFAPP will…

  • Identify international and national educational programmes in Pharmaceutical Medicine accredited by acknowledged bodies
  • Thrive to ensure that such accredited learning programmes will be of value to IFAPP’s membership so that certain levels of certification are achieved,
  • Organise IFAPP-internal international forums with the participation of representatives from National Member Associations (NMAs) and also of Individual Affiliates (IAs) and discuss common challenges and emerging “best practices”,
  • Encourage members to attend and also to speak at national meetings and international conferences thus fostering the international recognition of Pharmaceutical Medicine,
  • Ensure that IFAPP’s core ethical values will inspire all activities.

Aims & Objectives 2021-2023

  • Refine and enhance IFAPP and further ensure competence in Pharmaceutical Medicine,
  • Develop new online learning programmes and offer them on a global level, explore additional certification possibilities,
  • Expand communication and collaboration with NMAs/IAs,
  • Develop more and new collaboration with key stakeholders in Asia, Europe, Middle East/Africa, and also in the USA,
  • Generate new membership fees based on GDP* by not jeopardising financial stability,
  • Develop a global young professionals’ network, also via use of social media.

*GDP: gross domestic product