IFAPP International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine

The External Affairs Working Group (EAWG) is responsible for establishing and maintaining strategic partnerships with IFAPP’s key stakeholders, i.e. National Member Associations, other professional associations, government agencies and other organisations and institutions with a mandate in Global Pharmaceutical Medicine.


The scope of the External Affairs WG is based on IFAPP’s overall strategy and mission to promote Pharmaceutical Medicine with regard to the discovery, development, research and use of medicines.


  • to collaborate with National Member Associations in promoting IFAPP at international & national conferences/symposia/fora on Pharmaceutical Medicine,
  • to identify potential international partners to cooperate with and initiate and maintain sustainable relationships thereby building a reliable network of partners,
  • to develop strategic alliances with key stakeholders to raise awareness of IFAPP’s vision and mission,to monitor and assess the rapidly changing environment for new trends, regulations, policy developments and technologies in Pharmaceutical Medicine (Horizon Scanning),
  • to share intelligence with the other IFAPP WGs, in particular the Communications WG,
  • to collaborate closely with the other IFAPP WGs and align on topics and activities thereby using synergies whenever possible.


Concrete measures are laid down in a work plan that is drafted by the group and reviewed on an annual basis.

Click here for the Call for Applications on the IFAPP News page.


  • Robert Lins

  • Ado Muhammad

  • Kotone Matsuyama

  • Varvara Baroutsou

  • Onthatile Serehete

  • Brandon Michael Henry

  • Haya Haddadin

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