IFAPP International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine

IFAPP is comprised of the leading professional associations in the fields of Pharmaceutical Medicine and medicines development. These National Member Associations (NMAs) pay dues to support IFAPP’s work and guide its efforts by participating in its working groups and naming representatives to IFAPP’s House of Delegates.

If you wish to contact any NMA below please get in touch with:

IFAPP secretariat

p/a Business2gether
Leidsestraatweg 41-D
3443 BP  Woerden
The Netherlands

E-mail: secretariat@ifapp.org
Phone: +31 6 2291 1039

Chamber of Commerce: 30224375

National Member Associations (NMAs)


  • Egypt

    Middle East Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals (MEAPP)
    Founded: 2021.
    Website: www.meapp.org.uk
    President: Assem el Baghdady
    Delegate: Yasser el Baghdady

  • Nigeria

    Pharmaceutical Physicians Association of Nigeria (PPAN)
    Founded: 2021.
    Website: under construction
    President and Delegate: Ado Muhammad


  • Japan

    Japanese Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine (JAPhMed)
    Founded: 1968
    Website: www.japhmed.jp
    President: Kazuya Iwamoto
    Delegate: Chieko Kurihara

  • Korea

    Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (KSPM)
    Founded: 1995
    Website: www.kspm.org
    President: Dae Hee(David)
    Delegate: Hye-seon Kim

  • Philippines

    Philippine College of Pharmaceutical Medicine (PCPM)
    Founded: 1969
    President: Herbert Ho
    Delegate: Chinnie Tan

  • Singapore

    Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine Singapore
    Founded: 2006
    Website: www.apmsingapore.org
    President and Delegate: Ajay Tiku



    Medical Affairs Professionals Australisia (MAPA)
    Founded: 1986
    Website: https://mapa.org.au

    President: Lauren Pasfield
    Delegate: Krishan Thiru


  • Austria

    Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin (GPMed)
    Founded: 1993
    Website: www.gpmed.at
    President : Mag. Bernhard Mraz
    Delegate: Ghazaleh Gouya-Lechner and Bernhard Mraz

  • Belgium

    Founded: 2020
    Website: healixia.be
    President: Erik Present
    Delegate: Koen Raeymaekers

  • Bulgaria

    Bulgarian Association for Drug Information (BADI)
    Founded: 2010
    Website: www.badibg.org
    President and Delegate: Tatyana Benisheva

  • Czech Republic

    Asociace Farmaceutické Medicíny (AFM), Z.S.
    Founded: 2017
    Website: www.farmed.cz
    President: Ondrej Slanar
    Delegate: Jiri Paseka

  • Finland

    Finnish Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians (SuLL/FiAPP)
    Website: https://suomenlaakealanlaakarit.yhdistysavain.fi/saannot/
    President: Juhana J. Idänpään-Heikkilä
    Delegate: Silva M Saarinen

  • Greece

    Hellenic Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ELEFI)
    Founded: 1992
    Website: www.elefi.gr
    President: Grigorios Rombopoulos
    Delegate: Nikos Tsokanas

  • Hungary

    Hungarian Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
    Section of Pharmaceutical Medicine
    Founded: 2018
    Website: www.mapharm.hu
    President and Delegate: Kata Mazalin

  • Ireland

    Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians of Ireland (APPI)
    Founded: 1993
    Website: www.pharmaceuticalphysicians.ie
    President: Anthony Chan
    Delegate: Onthatile T. Serehete

  • Italy

    Società Italiana di Medicina Farmaceutica (SIMeF)
    Italian Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine
    Founded: 1964
    Website: www.simef.it
    President: Marie-Georges Besse
    Delegate: Francesco Butti

  • Portugal

    Associação dos Médicos Portugueses da Indústria Farmacêutica (AMPIF)
    Founded: 1989
    Website: www.ampif.pt
    President: Susana Castro Marques
    Delegates: Alexandra Stoffel and Antonio Soure

  • Romania

    Societatea de Medicina Farmaceutica din Romania (SOMFAR)
    Founded: 2003
    Website: www.somfar.ro
    President and Delegate: Beniamin Tabacaru

  • Spain

    Asociación de Medicina de la Industria Farmaceutica Española (AMIFE)
    Founded: 1975
    Website: www.amife.net
    President: Susana Gómez-Lus
    Delegate: Anna Jurczynska

  • Sweden

    Swedish Society for Pharmaceutical Medicine (SSPM).
    Founded: 2012
    Website: https://www.sspm.se
    President : Eva Lindgren
    Delegate: Göran Ando

  • Switzerland

    Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SGPM/SSPM)
    Founded: 1996
    Website: www.sgpm.ch
    President: Martin Traber
    Delegate: Raoul Dominique Giger

  • The Netherlands

    Dutch Association for Pharmaceutical Medicine (NVFG)
    Founded: 1962
    Website: www.nvfg.nl
    President: Ellen Evelaar
    Delegate: Eric Klaver

  • Turkey

    Turkish Working Group of Pharmaceutical Medicine
    Founded: 2020
    Website: www.biyoteknolojikilaclardernegi.org
    President: Zafer Guney
    Delegate: Ilker Gelisen

Latin América

  • Brazil

    Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Farmacêutica (SBMF)
    Founded: 1972
    Website: www.sbmf.org.br
    President: Briques Wellington
    Delegate: Charles Schmidt

  • Mexico

    Asociación de Médicos Especialistas en la Industria Farmacéutica (AMEIFAC).
    Founded: 1992
    Website: www.ameifac.com
    President: Dinath González 

NMA Best Practices

Interested in learning about the pharmaceutical industry in other parts of the world? IFAPP’s NMAs and Individual Affiliates (see below) can write and inform us about their experience and share best practices.

IFAPP will be delighted to receive news and updates from NMAs from around the world to exchange experiences and information from their respective countries. For posting such information, please get in touch with secretariat@ifapp.org. Such information will then be posted in News & Posts and in the IFAPP Newsletter “IFAPP TODAY“.

Individual Affiliates

In addition to NMAs IFAPP is represented by Individual Affiliates in the following countries:

Australia, Brazil, Germany, Nigeria, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, UK and USA.

IFAPP values global networking and is keen to learn about innovative and best practices. IFAPP looks forward to receiving applications from colleagues to become Individual Affiliates.

Individual membership is open to all those who wish to be part of and contribute to the international community of Pharmaceutical Medicine and drug development sciences.

You may choose to become an Individual Affiliate in addition to your membership in your NMA as that would enable you to vote at General Assembly meetings (but not at the House of Delegates meetings which you could not do as a member of an NMA unless you are the national delegate in the House of Delegates).

As an Individual Affiliate you can also be elected to the Board of Directors.

The annual fee of individual IFAPP membership is 30 Euro for those residing in Europe and 30 USD for those residing in other parts of the world.

To learn more about the process involved in becoming an individual IFAPP member, you may also request our Standard Operating Procedure for Individual Affiliation.

To apply for membership, please fill in the Application to become an Individual Affiliate and email it together with a copy of your Curriculum Vitae to the IFAPP secretariat (secretariat@ifapp.org).

We look forward to working with you!