IFAPP International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine

The Young Professionals Working Group (YPWG) will focus on raising awareness in young people at the beginning of their career of the discipline, training possibilities and job offerings in the field of Pharmaceutical Medicine (PM). This includes the dissemination of information on careers in PM at career days of universities and student organisations.


The scope of the YPWG is based on IFAPP’s overall strategy and mission to promote Pharmaceutical Medicine with regard to the discovery, development, research and use of medicines.


  • The aim is to educate medical doctors and other scientists in drug development, inform them about career opportunities within the industry, contract research and consulting organisations, in academia and medicines regulatory agencies etc. but also in general on how the pharmaceutical industry works and about career opportunities. This will be supported by internships in the pharmaceutical industry or regulatory authorities and through mentoring by experienced colleagues.
  • YPWG will work closely together with the Education and Certification Working Group (ECWG) in developing and delivering relevant and recognised education and training courses.
  • YPWG will support the young professionals to work towards achieving a title in PM that will enable them to bring new impulses and ideas in Medicines Development Sciences (MDS).

By fostering of training IFAPP will:

  • Cooperate with the national Member Associations (NMAs) to develop educational programmes and conferences in PM and MDS,
  • Support the maintenance and update of The PharmaTrain Syllabus1.
  • Expand the educational initiatives in PM to as many countries worldwide as possible.
  • Be in close contact with scientific government and non-government associations in discussing the growing complexity and changing environment of global medicines development from discovery to lifecycle management.

Enhancing the discipline of PM by attracting more skilled and well-trained professionals from different disciplines and enabling them to develop effective and safer drugs for the patients.


Concrete measures are laid down in a work plan that is drafted by the group and reviewed on an annual basis.

PharmaTrain https://www.pharmatrain.eu/news.php; https://ifapp.org/about/pharmatrain-syllabus

Click here for the Call for Applications on the IFAPP News page.


  • Joanne Ramsey

  • Admasu T Mamuyeme

  • Birka Lehmann

  • Kateryna Uspenska

  • Kotone Matsuyame

  • Mathilde Ritter

  • Nikolaos Tsokanas

  • Ricardo Gaminha Pacheco

  • Rodelio Bito

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