The IFAPP Communication Working Group is glad to share the May edition of “IFAPP TODAY”, a monthly newsletter informing the global pharmaceutical medicine community of the latest news. We welcome input from all member associations, individual affiliates and followers. Click here for the May edition.

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The IFAPP Communication Working Group is glad to share the April edition of “IFAPP TODAY”, a monthly newsletter informing the global pharmaceutical medicine community of the latest news. We welcome input from all member associations, individual affiliates and followers. Click here for the April edition.

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3rd Free Webinar on COVID-19 pandemic

We are pleased to invite you to the third webinar on COVID-19 pandemic on Wednesday April 14, 2021. This time we are honored to have Prof Dr Milo Puhan from Switzerland, PD Dr Johannes Pleiner-Duxneuner from Austria and Friedhelm Leverkus from Germany as speakers. Martin Traber and PD Dr Ghazaleh Gouya Lechner will lead the discussions.…

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The IFAPP Communication Working Group is glad to share the March edition of “IFAPP TODAY”, a monthly newsletter informing the global pharmaceutical medicine community of the latest news. We welcome input from all member associations, individual affiliates and followers. Click here for the March edition.

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The IFAPP Communication Working Group is glad to share the February edition of “IFAPP TODAY”, a monthly newsletter informing the global pharmaceutical medicine community of the latest news. We welcome input from all member associations, individual affiliates and followers. Click here for the February issue.

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Congratulations to Prof Peter Stonier

After last year’s receipt of the “Hero in Pharmaceutical Medicine” award from IFAPP, on 15 January 2021 Professor Peter Stonier got a further, more than well-deserved recognition of his countless efforts for our discipline, the FPM President’s Medal. Sincere congratulations. https://ifapp.org/static/uploads/2021/01/Picture-Peter-Stonier-FPM-Annual-Award.jpg

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2nd IFAPP Webinar on COVID-19

We are pleased to invite you to the second webinar on COVID-19 pandemic on Thursday February 25, 2021. In the enclosed file you can read the webinar program and in the last page you will find the link for your registration, which is free. Join us to better understand what is happening in Japan. Click here…

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IFAPP TODAY | JANUARY 2021 | 2 | 1

The IFAPP Communication Working Group is glad to share the first edition of “IFAPP TODAY” of 2021, a monthly newsletter informing the global pharmaceutical medicine community of the latest news. We welcome input from all member associations, individual affiliates and followers. Click here for the January issue.

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Publication on Orphan Gene Therapy

The advent of orphan gene therapy products represents a new era in medicine development. The extraordinary high price requested for a single treatment in life without knowing the length of the therapeutic effects raises the question of how long society will be able and willing to finance these treatments. In their recently published paper (Frontiers |…

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