The International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Pharmaceutical Medicine

National Member Associations

IFAPP consists of the leading professional associations in pharmaceutical medicine and drug development.


Worldwide Development and Professional Certification


Excellent Global Communication Since 1975


IFAPP collaborates and coordinates with key players in the fields of pharmaceutical medicine and medicines development

Education and Certification Working Group



Birka Lehmann


Ingrid Klingmann


Joanne Ramsey


Kata Mazalin


Varvara Baroutsou

Tatyana (1)

Tatyana Benisheva


Kyoko Imamura

Maria Caridad P. Purugganan

Maria Caridad P. Purugganan


Shinichi Nishiuma


Brigitte Franke-Bray

Fabio F Carvalho Jr

Fabio F Carvalho Jr

Education en certi (002)

The Education and Certification Working Group (ECWG) will work on the delivery of education and training courses for professionals within the field of Pharmaceutical Medicine/Medicines Development Sciences (PM/MDS).

The ECWG finalized a Concept Paper which can be found here:

Download Concept Paper

Training courses in Pharmaceutical Medicine and on important related contents can be found here


The scope of the Education and Certification WG is based on IFAPP’s overall strategy and mission to promote Pharmaceutical Medicine with regard to the discovery, development, research and use of medicines. As a basis for training programmes, the PharmaTrain1 Syllabus v2.0 (reference) will be used.


  • By working closely with other IFAPP WGs and external bodies such as nationally and internationally operating bodies (e.g. FPM2, CIOMS3) and also by involving senior experts in PM engaged in IFAPP (e.g. Past Presidents, GFMD4) and Individual Affiliates, ECWG will enhance the discipline of PM by attracting more skilled and well trained people from different disciplines and enabling them to develop effective and safer drugs for the patients.
  • ECWG will interact closely with its National Member Associations in the various regions in the world and support region-specific affordable training courses and will make every attempt to endorse and ensure their recognition and certification on either a national, regional or, if possible, on a global level.
  • New and affordable online learning possibilities will be explored and endorsed so that IFAPP's membership in many countries of the world can profit from these.
  • ECWG will foster the recognition of educational programmes in order to advance the discipline of PM.
  • Latest requirements from medicines regulatory agencies  (e.g. EMA, FDA, national governmental bodies) will be taken into account and IFAPP will thrive to ensure the most up-to-date contents in these educational programmes.


Concrete measures will be laid down in a work plan drafted by the group and reviewed on an annual basis.


1 PharmaTrain https://www.pharmatrain.eu/news.php; https://ifapp.org/about/pharmatrain-syllabus
2 FPM               Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom
3 CIOMS           Council for International Organisations of Medical Sciences
4 GFMD            Global Fellow in Medicines Development


Click here for the Call for Applications on the IFAPP News page.

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